September 28, 2006


oh my gosh. i feel like a drug addict. i've experienced this website in snippets when viewing random things that people send me, but i've never gone there and played. last night, the addiction began. chris and i searched for old muppets, sesame street, mister rogers episodes and various other clips, and i'm in heaven. we watched the "david the gnome" intro, the "lower case n" sketch from sesame street that i remembered so vividly for some odd reason (view it here), we watched chef brockett and mister rogers make things with bananas, oh man. it was just amazing. i really could quit my job and play on youtube the rest of my life.

speaking of my job, i must get back to it before i get caught playing on youtube or blogger.

in other quick news, go read psalm 146. it's great! "do not put your mortal men, who cannot save" - that includes myself!

September 22, 2006


first of all, let me say WELCOME FALL!!! today is officially the first day of fall. goodbye hot, hot summer!! hello jeans and jackets and sweaters and down comforters and hot chocolate!!!!

michael gregory!! the man, the missionary.
michael graduated from auburn this past spring and headed off to be a missionary "somewhere east of here" a few weeks ago. amazing! God has already done really awesome stuff in his life, from what i hear - led at least one person to Christ. he said (well, jency said he said) that it was like a light came on in the man's eyes. incredible. jency also introduced me to his almost-never updated blog, but it's a blog nonetheless. go visit it here! or you may also use the link over there to the left cleverly entitled "michael" under "blog stuff".

in other news, i just ate WAY the heck too much dessert. it was a "faculty and staff appreciation lunch" given by the moms of a couple of graduating classes. it was barbeque - dang good barbeque at that - and the desserts, i believe, were provided by the moms themselves. so they were all homemade and stuff. and i just kept eating...and now i feel like i could roll all the way home. bluh! full me.

okay. obviously, i've been busy at the posting today. give me a break. it's only 2:20 and i feel like it should be 10 at night, and it's raining, and i'm freezing. i'm about to turn my little space heater on. brrr...

in more other news, if you enjoyed the live eagle cam from a few months ago, you might really enjoy the AFRICAM. it's a live streaming of a natural water hole in africa. dang. i'm so addicted. the good part (well, bad for my curious eyes, good for my job) is that by about 1 or 2 my time, everyone there is asleep. so i can only watch in the mornings.

that should be enough rambling for one day...

wheeled machines

chris and i went biking AGAIN! it was dadgumbeautiful the other day - well, every day this week, really - and after work i said "let's not do laundry! let's go biking!" and he said "okay, wife!" so we rode down our VERY steep hill...i was a bit scared, and very thankful for brakes. our goal was to do the entire riverwalk since they've just recently completed it all the way from the waterfront to the dam. that's far!! probably 8 miles. we made it halfway...maybe. i got tired! and hungry. surprisingly, the gnats i kept swallowing weren't curbing my appetite. oh well. the ride back was just as nice as the ride there, until we crossed the bridge. about halfway across i called out to chris, "i'm experiencing a great amount of dread!!!" the blasted hill lay before us. *sigh* chris said he was going to try to make it up at least some of it. i wasn't even going to try. my legs and lungs were burning. walking up while pushing a bike was enough of a strain.

so we make it to the end of the bridge and are waiting for our green signal when who should pull up beside us but the crazy unicycling guy. the light turned green, all three of us start to ride across. it takes the crazy unicycling guy a bit longer to mount his vehicle, and just as i'm giving up and dismounting my bike, the crazy unicycle guy passes me. going uphill. on a unicycle. granted, i was not technically moving at the time, but he would have been passing me even if i had been walking. he has the nerve to look at me and say "what? you mean you can't push? i don't even have gears!!" *sigh* it was absolutely ridiculous. OF ALL PEOPLE and OF ALL TIMES for him to pass me. i looked up from my puddle of discouagement and burning muscles to see the crazy unicycle guy steadily climbing the steepest hill in chattanooga and my husband lightyears ahead of me doing just the same. insane. all you people are insane!!!!

in other news, tonight we're going to see the wizard of oz with chris' parents. i'm excited!!!

in more other news, my new ski jacket came in the mail yesterday. hooray!! i love it. it's blue. real blue. it's supposed to rain today, so i zipped out the liner and wore my new blue raincoat that's actually waterPROOF!! my old raincoat would pretty much just absorb the water that hit it leaving me damp, cold and itchy. ski slopes, here i come! well, not until march, but still!!!

September 18, 2006

locks, bikes, and canons

we biked yesterday!! but before we could do anything, we had to go buy new helmets and a new bike lock. on the way to the battlefield - awesome place to ride - i was going to set the lock. it's an adjustable combination lock, so the number can be anything you want. i followed the directions to a tea. (or is it "to a tee"?....) i rotated the little red buttons, set the numbers to what we wanted, moved the red buttons back without moving the numbers, inserted the lock back into itself, scrambled the numbers, set it back to the combination, and...nothing. dead locked. *sigh* i must have accidentally moved on of the numbers while moving the red buttons back. nope. tried everything. for about half an hour. nothing. locked. broken. destroyed!! we bought another one before going home that uses a KEY instead. good idea.

the battlefield is awesome. and the weather yesterday was even awesomer. riding under all those trees produced the perfect breeze on an already cooler-than-usual day. and after chris told me that my seat was too low - that my legs were supposed to be almost extending to their full length on the down peddle - my legs stopped burning, and it was actually FUN!!! :)

before we went riding, we got a call from my mom saying that lila's birthday party was at 6:30 - exactly when our class (to join the church) at church started that we've been waiting to start ever since we got married (that's 3.5 months). *sigh* i don't ever get to see that little girl (she's my cousin's daughter - just turned 2) so we decided that chris would go to the class and take notes and i would go see lila. lila goes through these phases of wanting to spend time with one person when they're around - last night it was ME! teehee! she kept saying "i go see lisseee!" and she would come sit in my lap. it was AMAZING! and so therapeutic. what a precious family. i love them.

in other news, there's a chance i might be sick. it's at that stage where if i am indeed getting sick but i went home and slept all day, i probably wouldn't get sick. but if i run around and keep my body going, i'm going to be out for a while. but it might just be allergies, so i'm hesitant to just go home. ah well. i'll just drink my green tea like a good girl...

September 15, 2006

big BOO

i am here to take the time to officially BOO jennifer glass's new blog. okay fine. not the entire blog. just the commenting section. i have not been able to post comments to the latest and greatest entry, and i'm growing weary of trying. so i shall post the windows that i continue to receive to prove that i am not crazy, and maybe someone can tell me what the heck is going on!

what you see here is what happens when i originally click on her "post a comment". i don't get this little window for anyone else's blogger blog. i always click yes.

now you see that i have entered my clever and interesting comment and pressed the "tab" button. history has proven this to take my cursor directly into the word verification field so i could type the nonsense that appears above it. rather, it has taken my cursor to the "handicap" button. so i take my mouse and click into the word verification space. in this instance, i entered "euhatejs". didn't work. i even tried using the handicap button - it spoke numbers to me and i entered them. please see the next picture...

this picture shows what happens once i've entered the jibberish word verification, my username and password and then pressed "publish your comment". again, i get this little window with no other blogger blogs. i click yes and...

BOOM! no dice! what's happening! my gut tells me that it has something to do with the fact that the address in this picture says "beta blocker". i'm thinking the firewall here at work is blocking something on jglass' blog. has she put a special setting on her comments? a special setting like "BLOCK LYNDSAY"!!!!

*sigh* alas. someone help, please! i must be able to post on jglass' blog. snide remarks are what make a blog fun, right?! right?!?!


E. coli outbreak! (<--- click on that)

September 14, 2006

montreat, nc!

see site number 4? that's ours!! well, that's not entirely true. but we do get to use it for my fall break! i get friday and monday off, october 13-16. chris will take friday off, we'll head over there on thursday after work! HOORAY! i'm so excited i can't really concentrate. montreat is a wonderful little town. i went there a few years back with some dear friends that had a house there (or had access to a house...i can't exactly remember) and have actually been back a couple of times by myself. it's a special place. i can't wait to show chris around!!

in other news, some advice for you, the reader. don't try to rub stickiness off of scissor blades with your thumb, no matter how careful you think you can be. it will cut you.

in more other news, artemis fowl is an excellent audio book. carrie rollwagen forced christopher and i to borrow her copy, and we're highly addicted. we just started the fifth and last cd, and i'm kind of sad. no worries though! it's a series!!!

September 13, 2006

skin and bones

finally! maybe the horrible trend of too-skinny is about to end! check out this article.

in other news, christopher's myspace-music page is finally updated. check him out here!

September 11, 2006


it's a stormy time in my life right now. not only do i not have time to write about all that's going on, i just don't want to go into a lot of detail about what's going on b/c it involves other people. if you're the praying kind (which i highly recommend, by the way - to God, no one else...) please lift a prayer or two up on my behalf, and all those involved. God knows...don't worry.

in other news, central park burgers are weird. at least, the ones we ate today were really strange...i'm almost expecting to get sick...and the fries were cold. BLEH!

September 08, 2006

Liz Lindstrom McGehee

liz. this girl is amazing. we met at camp vesper point in the summer of 1998 (1999? uh oh. i really don't remember...) but we've known each other for a while. she got married 3 years ago and they moved to AZ. you'll have to read her bio to find out more. (the picture to the left isn't one of her paintings or's a photograph...i think...)

i'm not really good at reviewing people's artistic work, so i'm just gonna post a few of her pictures to show you what an amazingly talented woman we're dealing with. this is one her paintings titled At The Mirror.

and this one is a conte' sketch (or drawing, or's done with conte'!) called Lucy. it's my favorite conte' of hers.

liz has an amazing laugh. i wish more than anything that i had a clip of her laugh b/c you would all fall in love with her! i remember when chris was in "footloose" in high school. afterward, chris and liz found each other and he said "i heard you laughing while i was on stage!!! i didn't know you were coming!!!" he said he was just acting away and looked up and said to himself, "hey! liz is here!!" haha!!

a few years ago on a spring break young life trip - shoot, back in 2001, i think - we were work crew heads together and had a BLAST! (hahaa! i remember talking to her about liking christopher!!! (he was still in high school...eew...)) on the bus on the way back, she went around and sketched people in, like, a minute, and they looked EXACTLY like them. it was freaky. it freaked just about everyone out. this girl is GOOD!
this one is charcoal and is titled Elizabeth - it's a self portait. don't fall in love, boys. remember, she's happily married. :)

so anyway, the point of this little tribute is that liz is in town (HOORAY!) and for those of you who live in this town and either know her or want to see some dang good art, come to the Gold Leaf Art Gallery this saturday, sept 9, from 4 to 8pm. she's having an art show!!! i'm super excited. i've seen a few of her pieces in person, but not anything recent. not to mention i get to hug her neck!!!! i'm so excited, i can barely concentrate on work!!!

in other news, nothing else matters right now. go liz!

September 06, 2006


JENNIFER GLASS!!! okay everyone. welcome her to the blogging world. you must experience her latest entry entitled "head on". it's absolutely brilliant!!!

in other news, andrew peterson is currently offering his latest cd the far country for two dollars. you must buy five or ten copies of it to get that price, but come on!!! five cds for 10 bucks?! do it now b/c he's only doing it for two weeks. we're in the middle of the first week. go now. immediately!

in more other news, i sliced my thumb yesterday while attempting to open a box with my key. usually not a horrible idea, but this time, it got me. and it wasn't just my thumb. the edge of the cardboard lodged underneath my thumbnail and said "SLICE! HAHA!" i don't know if it's a cardboard-cut or if it just separated the nail from the skin. either way, it bled like crazy, woke me up last night throbbing, and the entire upper joint is slightly swollen, slightly blue today and ridiculously sore. ow. not recommended.

in still more news, go read the Bible. seriously. it's richer and full of more life that you can dare dream. i recommend 1 john. then matthew. then the psalms. go. seriously.

September 01, 2006


CHECK IT OUT!! you can actually download his entire new album for FREE. it's totally legal and done solely by derek himself.

do it! and in case you missed the link, it's right HERE.