November 30, 2006

blog worthiness

i found this amazingly blog-worthy. scroll up a bit if you're not at the top of the page after you click on it.

in other news, chris is sick. he's at work, but he didn't sleep well and is in desperate need for some drugs to keep him going today, but, like old mother hubbard, he has none! blast you stores that don't open until 8 o'clock!!! and this morning, i feel wooooooozy. apparently everyone at his office has had this bug, and i fear that i am coming down with it. bleh.

in still other news, nope. totally forgot was i was going to talk about. oh well...

November 21, 2006

from the devil

well, i have decided. and i'm thinking about making it official and registering this complaint with the official complaint filers. doughnuts are from the devil. no really! here's why: you look at them and they look so delicious. you ignore their delicious appearance and continue on with your morning. sitting at your computer, no one walks by in the hallways, no one calls in on the phones, no one is sending you emails, no one needs you to do anything for them. then you hear it. "hello?!" you cringe at the smooth-evil in the voice that keeps calling to you, not constantly, just periodically. but you resist.

"hello?" you hear it again! your muscles tense, your ears ring, your body aches. then you realize the worst. you have to get up to make copies. the enemy is in the workroom that you must pass through to get to the copy room. argh! taking a deep breath, you convince yourself that you are not susceptible to the enemies strategies. "hello? i will make you happy." his voice is sweet, but you are strong!!

with the copy machine whirring, your coworkers bantering, and your stomach growling, you conitnue to feed the copier. as you walk into the workroom to staple, the enemy nearby, the unthinkable happens! the enemy releases toxic fumes into your air field! they are hypnotizing. they are intoxicating. they are deadly. they are the fumes of the doughnut. you look over at the box, and you realize you are finished. once eye contact is established, the enemy has won.

as you sink your teeth into the slightly crispy on the outside, soft and chewey on the inside, the lie conitnues to resonate in your brain. "only i can make you happy." your eyes closed, the sugar rushing through your veins, you declare that only while eating doughnuts will you ever be happy. but your conscious isn't dead yet. you still think that maybe, just maybe, this doughnut could be bad for you. maybe the slight film of grease that it leaves on the roof of your mouth might be bad for your arteries. maybe the time that it spent in the deep fryer is time that you will spend on the eliptical, regretting every cursed bite. but all that matters is that blessed crispy chewiness.

from the devil i'm telling you.

the funniest part about the above story is that i kept misspelling "doughnut" like "doughbut"...weird.

in other news, i was awake this morning at 4:40. couldn't sleep. could only pray for dustin and my dear friends. so that was good - prayer is so good, people!! then i realized it was stinking hot in the room. so i closed the heat vent. then i remembered that we had a gas heat pump for the entire, old building. then i decided i was short of breath and naseous - the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. *sigh* chris was stirring almost as much as i was, so i knew he was awake too. our downstairs neighbor was burning her insence (GROSS!) which apparently woke him up. i got up and read my daily devotional and tried to eat some cereal. still feeling weird, i went on the back porch in the freezing cold and breathed. better! i decided if chris was still awake and feeling weird, we would both hang out on the porch to see if we both felt better. he was, and he was, so we did. after we shiverred and laughed at ourselves for about as long as we could stand, we went to wal-mart. it was 5:30 am. hooray! it felt like college. and what else would we be going for except a carbon monoxide detector. fun! we got home, set it up, and it was silent. darn insence. we might say something to her about it...

in still other news, i get to leave work at 2 today! and we have tomorrow, thursday and friday off!!! oh blessed school hours! how i love you!!

happy thanksgiving everyone.

November 20, 2006

giving up to take on

okay. for the few that read this and the even fewer that care about the word counter to the left that hasn't moved in a few days, i have a confession. i quit national novel writing month. and i'm bummed. really bummed. i mean, the story was going somewhere...well, sort of...and i liked writing about meg and morris and joe and crew and steven. the mouse world was JUST ABOUT to intersect with the human world (don't ask...) so it was a pretty exciting time. but i quit. and i have a peace about it. b/c as much as i'm bummed about not finishing, the amount of excitement i have for being in charge of jglass's wedding invitations FAR outweighs it!!!!


seriously, it is way, way worth it. so i've been on the interenet and phone and will go around in person to bunches of places to do, basically, what we did for our invitations. it's the bride's orders!!!! :) :) :) talk about a high compliment. i'm seriously honored. and the reason that i have to drop what i'm doing to do this is because she's getting married in 47 days. BWAHAHAHAA!!!!! the is shouting at her to hurry up. WAHOO!! i'm super excited!!!

in other news, it snowed today. no, of course it didn't accumulate. but it did snow. *whew* it was nice. and it's so COLD outside!!! FINALLY!!!! bbrrrr....

in more others news, today is thursday. now that might confuse some of you since it's obviously technically monday, but we get wednesday through friday off, so it's technically thursday since it's the day before the last day of the work week. OH BLESSED SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!!! *deep sigh* i love thanksgiving.

November 14, 2006

bump in the night

christopher and i are housesitting a friend's house for about a week. it's actually really fun b/c the house is HUGE and nice and the bed is really comfortable (haven't really been sleeping well in our bed lately, so it's nice to sleep solidly through the night!!!) and it's really close to where my parents live (free meals!...i mean good company!!) :) we've had quite a few adventures in our two days of staying there. and by "quite a few", i do mean quite a few.

our first evening was absolutely amazing since our friend and his "buddy that he flirts with" (teehee!) were both there and made dinner for the four of us. not only was the food delcious, the company was really fun. we built a fire, ate the delicious dessert, and just and stuff. the good part was that they didn't leave until after 10, so we got to hang out for a long time. the bad part was that they didn't leave until after 10, which put chris and i in bed really late. bummer. and neither of us sleep well the first night in a new place, so we woke up several times in the night because of that. and when that wasn't waking us up, the stinking loud air vents were waking us up. seriously! i was between sleep and awake and was listening to the whistling vents, imagining that a tornado had come through and we were "up inside the cyclone"!! it was pretty convincing. so there was all that, on top of the fact it was freezing cold in the bedroom, and that i was abruptly awakened at 3am by christopher reacting to his bad dream, which caused me to discover my sick tummy, causing me to live in the bathroom for about a half hour and to keep the trash can near by and lie awake until 5am (nathan - it was NOT your cooking, trust me - just a little bug i'm still battling...) which produced a very, very "adventurous" night's sleep.

our second evening was a little calmer with leftovers for dinner, another fire in the genious fireplace (it uses real logs but has gas flames to get it going - brilliant!), me typing on my slow-going novel, and chris running to the store for various items. the most exciting event of the night was me setting the alarm off and sprinting faster than i ever have into the kitchen to type in the code that i prayed would did, halleluia. then we gloriously discovered (thank you nathan!!) that the reason the vents were so loud was because they were closed, so we opened them to be beautifully quiet. and since it was so cold the night before, we upped the temp a few degrees, causing chris to wake up around 1am and turn the fan on...too hot. oh well. but we both slept beautifully (thank you, Lord...seriously) then the alarm clock went off at 6am. and that's when the even more thrilling adventure began.

the alarm clock was snoozing and so were we when we heard it. *BUMP* - loud and solid, seemingly coming from downstairs. i looked at chris through the darkness, he sleepily looked back, but we both continued snoozing. the alarm clock went off again and i snoozed it again. then a noise filled the room. i said, leaning up on my elbows, "whoa, is that the air?" confused b/c i didn't remember it being that loud the night before. chris replied, "yeah..." and we laid back down. about 5 or 10 seconds later, the noise abruptly stopped and sounded strangly familiar. we both sat straight up in bed in unison as if it had been rehearsed or as if we were suddenly in a musical where everyone just happens to know the same song and dance. anyway, i said "are you sure?!" and he looked at me and said, "that sounded like the water going off..." indeed, it did. we must have sat in bed for ten minutes before moving or saying anything, but we both knew what the other was thinking. i got up and locked the bedroom door. my only comfort was the fact that the alarm was set and on and working. the next half hour or so was spent with me staying on the bed whispering "where are you going?!" to chris when he would walk toward the door, and him replying in a whisper "i'm just going to listen!" chris was over it by then and anxious to get ready since it was already past 6:30. i, on the other hand, had already written an entire speech and choreographed an entire fight scene that i would perform on the intruder if need be. i had imagined everything possible - my imagination is ridiculous in situations like this - and chris stated simply "well, if they're running water, it must be the wet bandits!" it made me laugh!

it turned out to be nothing, i suppose, since we found nothing this morning. theories are: the bump was something the dogs were doing outside, or possibly the heating unit shutting off, or maybe the house settling. the running water sound was the ice maker filling up, or a toilet running, or the water heater busting. it doesn't really matter (except we are going to check the water heater tonight...) but as i laid there in bed thinking someone was downstairs waiting for us, i realized how incredibly blessed we are (those who know Him) to have a God who actually cares about our anxious thoughts, and we have nothing to fear, even if it's death, because He really does have good plans for our lives. and i was sitting there asking him to take all my anxious thoughts, to search me and know me, since He's really smart. and it's really real, too. it's not just some made up concept that this idea exists that some people can abide by or think about or use to gain esteem - God really does offer peace and love and restoration and all that good stuff - for what they really, really mean, too - through Jesus for those who believe! it's really awesome, and i take it for granted so often. anyway, it's kind of neat that a freaky moment where i think all my worst nightmares are coming true turns into a little private worship service. i wouldn't be surprised if God just orchestrated that all by Himself. *wink wink*

so anyway, here's to housesitting and God!

November 10, 2006

she said YES!!

FINALLY!!! <-- click that.

in other news, i ordered the cutest shoes ever (in black) and they came in today. i hurridly opened the package excited to see if i liked them as much as i hoped i would, but my heart sank as i put one foot forward and the backs proceeded to fall off. in fact, i could have fit the state of iowa in the space between the back of the shoe and my heel. i controlled my wanting-to-curse tongue and said "oh MAN!!!" and checked the size. sure enough - 7.5. i took them to suzanne who wears a 9.5 and they fit her. *sigh* bummer. no wonder they were the last pair. so i'm sending them back with a little note that says "dude! these are sized wrong! for the love of pete, don't sell them to another 7.5-footed woman!!" well, maybe not in those exact words, but close.

dogs are visiting my school, i receive incorrectly sized shoes, my friends are getting engaged - my goodness. it was an exciting day. exciting or boring. either one. whatever it was, it's friday and we have NO PLANS and it's actually a good thing. chris and i have been so busy the past few months that we're looking forward to a night of nothing. well, i'll be writing my novel!!!!!!! my word count is WAY below quota.


so we had a family come visit today to see if their son wanted to come to our school (and for us to see if we want them to come to our school...:)) included in the group that visited were the dad, mom, boy and "baby" the chihuahua. LOOK AT HER FACE!! i love her. i really do.

November 03, 2006


check out number 1,275!! this is him running the louisville marathon in october. his time was 3:49:45 - that's twenty six miles in three hours, forty nine minutes and forty five seconds!! he came in 12th (out of 25) in his age group and 87th )out of 281)!!! absolutely astonishing.

honestly, the thought just went through my head "why would anyone ever run a marathon?!" and then, as if the pencil-laden marathon runner jumped off the nanowrimo website and rebuked me, i thought "sort of reminds you of writing 50,000 words in a month, doesn't it?!"

*look to the left at the national novel writing month logo*

sad story. forrest has run SEVERAL marathons, and most of them are out of town. the ONE TIME he ran in town, i made a special point to make sure i could be there at the finish line. i showed up at the chickamauga dam in what i thought was plenty of time...not ONE car was in the parking lot. i called mom and she said "we're at the chickamauga battlefield, where are you?!" i burst into tears. literally. i floored it and tried to make it, but the phone rang when i was about 15 minutes away and it was mom with forrest who had just finished. *sigh* it was horrible for me. forrest doesn't understand why i was so upset. i'm emotional! and i wanted to see my big brother finish a marathon!! dangit i'm proud of him. he's running another on sometime in december. go forrest!!!!

in other news, happy five month anniversary to chris and me!!! :) :) :)

November 02, 2006




yes, it's true. i'm smack in the middle of writing a novel, which means i probably shouldn't be here right now. but i have to tell the world that my parents are going to see the LION KING on saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!! i gave mom two tickets for her birthday in august...couldn't think of anything else! rumor has it that dad's not too excited about it b/c he didn't like the movie. but i bet they're both blown away by it more than chris and i were a few years ago when we went in atlanta. MAN! the music, the costumes, the set changes, EVERYTHING is just absolutely incredible. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! if you ever get a chance to go, you should totally go!!!

November 01, 2006


christopher did this one. isn't he beautiful?!

and i did this one. it seemed appropriate with our apartment/spider situation...

i know this will break your heart to hear, but this is the last you'll hear from me for about a month. blessed NaNoWriMo has arrived again!! i wrote 387 words this morning!!! and i brought my lunch so i can write all during lunch!! whew. i'm super excited. you can watch as my word count grows with the lovely little word counter over there to the may have to wait for it to's been taking a while today. anyway, feel free to cheer me on or join me!!!