October 23, 2009

guess what...???

1) remember how nathan helped us move furniture around?
2) remember how we had to go to the mall to run some errands?
3) remember how i've been craving certain foods?

answers as to why:

1) we had to get the tv out of the 2nd bedroom, which meant we had to move the HEAVY bookcase on the other side of the den. why? someone is moving into the 2nd bedroom in about 7 months.

2) i had to buy some "bigger" clothes.

3) pregnant people crave certain foods.

we're gonna have a baby!!! on may 25, we'll welcome baby slaten into the world. holy smokes we're excited!!!

more to come...

October 20, 2009

food cravings

happy last morning of fall break everyone! *sigh* since chris has been sick, i feel like we haven't done anything, which is okay since he's BETTER. glory. he woke up yesterday without a fever. that was the first time in SIX days. we were both relieved. he felt so good yesterday, actually, that we cleaned the house (man it needed it...and we're not really done...), went to see a movie (where the wild things are) and walked around the mall for a bit! it was glorious to just be out of the house. i ran some errands in the mall while chris played in barnes and noble. i asked him what he had been up to when we met back up, and he said "just being out of the house..." bless him.

i just ate a whole grain eggo waffle with peanut butter, sliced bananas, honey, cinnamon and ground ginger on top. GLORY. it was SO GOOD. i'm seriously considering making myself another one.

remember those oatmeal chocolate chip cookies i made the other day? remember how when i ate 3 of them, i had troubles? nathan came over last night to help us move some furniture around, and his "payment" was 6 of those cookies. he said "oh boy!!! i'm gonna eat one right now!" about 5 minutes later, they were ALL gone. NATHAN!!!! honey - you're gonna be hurtin. his reply: "i was hungry!" bless him.

have you ever craved one kind of food and only one kind of food? whenever i think about what i want to eat (except for my eggo creation that i'm about to go re-create) the ONLY thing i want is mexican. sometimes i go on a chinese kick. sometimes a burger kick. right now, it's mexican. from taco bell to taco mamacita. bring it on!!! why is that?

off to eat another breakfast, and then to school. yes, i know it's fall break. but our comments for our report cards that go out monday are due tomorrow...but, our boss won't be there tomorrow...hmm.............very interesting.

October 17, 2009

something is better than nothing

it's fall break. i had yesterday off, and chris and i both get monday and tuesday - huttah!! our plans were for him to finish up his p/t conferences on friday afternoon and then head to cowen to visit nana. then on sunday we were going to keep going on to nashville to spend some time with the shives so chris and ben could get some studio time in. well, guess what? none of it is going to happen. last monday, i was home sick. tuesday we were both home sick. wednesday chris was dressed and ready to go to work and he randomly took his temp and it was still up - 101.4. *sigh* i got a zpack and knocked mine out. but chris, since he had fever and muscle aches, got tamiflu....oink! oink! i've just sort of been praying that i don't get it...but i'm beginning to think that it's not actually the flu. we probably had the same thing, only mine stayed in my head and his went down to his chest. poor thing can barely sleep because he's coughing so much. i need to call the dr to see if he needs an antibiotic. he's sleeping right now. long story short - no fall break for us. sorry nana. sorry nashville. bummer.

last night i baked a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. holy smokes. i was CRAVING them, and i wound up eating 3 of them...oosh. sorry tummy. it was a bit much for me. and now i have about 3 doz cookies in my kitchen...i need to start halving recipes...

i really like flowers. i worked an emmaus walk last weekend and when i got home, there was a beautiful arrangement of flowers - including red rovers! my favorite fall flower! - on our kitchen table. bless him. it brightened my day, and they're still in there!

i've been watching cooking shows on "create" all day today. it's pizza day - every show makes their own version of pizza. i'm dying! i want pizza so badly!!! instead? sweet potato and cottage cheese. mmmmmm!!!!!

sorry i never blog. i just don't think about it.....