hello. i'm sitting in the breezy, welcoming living room of my dear friend,
elizabeth. i'm officially on spring break, and it's weird! spring break, summer break, christmas break - all for students. AND TEACHERS!! glory. chris and i found out that our spring breaks were different at the beginning of the year and were disappointed, but then realized that we could go places alone and still have fun. plus we have summer break together, so we really can't complain. so i bought a ticket to houston, tx, and here i am.
i think the reason i don't update my blog anymore is because it overwhelms me. i feel like i have to update you, the reader, who probably isn't even there because it's been so quiet here you've wandered away for good, on EVERYTHING if i'm going to update you on anything. but i realized the other day that that's just not true. so here i am on a quiet sunday afternoon while audrey and jeremy are asleep and ebit is taking a shower. just rambling...
the whitmires are gone. they moved to spain a few weeks ago, and i probably won't see them until alice is a teenager and tallulah is in kindergarten. ouch! hopefully we'll be over for a visit at some point. and maybe they'll come home before their five years are up. but i'm preparing for the worst, people.
i'm almost done reading "
perelandra" by cs lewis, and it's amazing. you should totally read the space trilogy by cs lewis. it's not a typical sci-fi book...of course, i've never read one of those, so i really don't know if that's true or not...hm. anyway, the hero of the book is from earth, and perelandra (which is just venus) is just beginning - only one woman and one man on it. evil is trying to make the woman sin against God, and ransom (that's the name of the hero...hmmm) has been sent to stop it. oosh. it's great.
i'm also reading "
the princess and the goblin" by george macdonald, and it's just fabulous. i'm not a fast reader (well, i'm getting faster the more i read) and i was on page 60 before i knew what had happened.
i'm also reading the original
mary poppins book. i found it for sale in bi-lo (the local grocery store) for $3 the other day, and snatched it up. it's in a cute classic cover and has all the original illustrations and everything. it goes well with my "
mary poppins in the kitchen" that christopher got me for valentines' day in england. (epcot's version of england)
yes, i read a lot since meeting christopher. thank goodness. it's a fabulous world that i avoided for most of my life - much to my mother's dismay.
there are so many pictures i could share with you, but i don't have them with me, obviously, and i've already posted most of the ones that are of interest on my facebook page. so go there if you want exciting pictures.
the owens go to church at night, and i'm a HUGE fan already. it's hard for me to rest on sundays because i feel like i'm up and out the door, and then we have to worry about lunch, and by the time i'm home and "supposed" to relax, i'm wound up and feel like i need to up and at 'em. but today we just slept in, rolled out of bed whenever, had a quiet simple breakfast, and have just hung around the house, playing with little audrey and reading some. we'll leave for church around 4:15 and then go to dinner afterwards. brilliant!
another great idea i've heard recently was from my other dear friend, carrie who has her sabbath rest on saturday. she goes to church on sunday, but her day of actual "rest" is saturday. it makes sense to me because i'm always exhausted on saturday. it's the first day after a long week of work, and i'm not really motivated to do much on that day. and most of the time, i lie around and do nothing anyway, and on sunday, i'm motivated to get work done. hmm...
well, happy spring. finally. friday was a really great laid back day - partly because it was a half day and there were only 7 (out of 15!) kids in my class. but we made bird feeders (stringing cheerios on yarn and tying in a circle, and then spreading peanut butter on bagels and dipping in bird seed) and colored flowers to hang on the door and from the ceiling. yes, welcome spring!! i've been ready for you for a while!!
off to paint my toenails...:)