shaving the yard's legs
mowing the lawn is sort of like shaving your legs. chris has a TON of grading to do, and the lawn is completely out of control, so i decided to mow the lawn myself. after concluding that the mower that was given to us as a most generous gift was NOT going to run for more than 2 minutes, nathan graciously allowed us to borrow his. a mower that actually runs? wow. what a concept. so anyway, as i was going along, very thankful for the invention of the self propeller in a mower, i realized it was much like shaving my legs. i would look back over a row i had just gone over and say "hm, missed a couple of blades there". it made me laugh. and realize that i'm due a mowing myself. sorry. that was tmi.
life the past few weeks has been really busy and amazing. my job is starting to go really well. i'm getting into the groove of planning and taking care of 16 four year olds. they're getting used to me as well. well, sort of. chris' job is going full swing too. tests, quizzes, lectures, dancing. it's all there. our poor house has really taken a back burner, but we did finally hang two things on the walls! hooray!
last friday we got banjo a brother. a gray, white and black tabby named...well, we still don't know his name. bat man. darth vader. smegol. jupiter. ziggo. who knows. it's been hard having two cats - we thought it would be easy, but hemingway is REALLY sick, so he hasn't wanted to play with banjo, and after i took him to the vet, we learned that we should have had the separated since feline upper respiratory infections are REALLY contagious. joy. so now smithsonian lives in the second bedroom and sleeps most of the time. he doesn't eat unless i hold him in my lap and hold the microwaved tunafish (recommended by the vet - if he doesn't smell it, he won't eat it, and hot tuna is most likely the most smelly thing on earth) in front of his face, and even then he only licks it. *sigh* hopefully the meds we're giving him will kick in soon.
it's becca guess's wedding day!! HOORAY!!
tonight we get to hear THE DEEP VIBRATION play in chattanooga!!! GLORY!! we've been wanting to hear them live for YEARS. you heard me. years. i cannot WAIT!!! if you're in town, you should come to midtown music hall tonight at 8:00. it's going to absolutely rock my face off.
we have a chestnut tree. good grief we have a chestnut tree. it has started dropping the most spikey pods on earth, but the chestnuts themselves, look like buckeyes...are they buckeyes?...anyway, one of the branches sort of broke off a few weeks ago and is just hanging there getting browner and browner, but all of the pods have dropped off of just that branch, and it's way more chestnuts than i would ever be able to do anything with. so when all the regular pods start falling off, i'll be swimming in them. if you have a use for chestnuts, let me know if you want some. i have plenty to spare!!
what i'm sweaty and covered in grass, so i should probably go take a shower. and mow my legs.