greetings strangers. i'm sitting on my couch with banjo the biscuit maker *slash* perfect kitty EVER snuggled up against my leg and my dear husband on the other side of me grading journals. poddy (our ipod) is on "shuffle instrumental", and occasionally chris will break out in a little laugh from his students' entries. that's right friends, we have wireless internet. finally. glory.
i'm not entirely sure that the blogging world knows that i have a new job. i am now a K4 (preschool) and K5 (kindergarten) teacher. *deep sigh* it fell into my lap, gift wrapped, straight from God's hand. it is EXACTLY what i've been wanting, wishing for, praying for, waiting for since college (that's 7 years, people). as chris and i were packing to MOVE INTO OUR HOUSE about 3 weeks ago, i got the call. are you serious? NOW??? now you're offering me this job?? the day before she called me, the other teacher got another amazing job offer that she couldn't turn down because they (where she was going) had fired the current employee. my new boss said that she and jennifer (the old teacher) sat there and cried. they both knew she had to take the job, but jennifer said "but what are you going to do?!" to which my boss replied, "i don't know. but the Lord will provide." and she told me that's when my name came into her mind. really? it was that easy?
see - a few months ago, i got home from another day of sitting behind the computer, feeling like my creativity was dying, and aching from my carpal tunnel-like issues. i said "good grief i want to teach preschool!" and a little voice said "well if you want to do it, you're going to have to do SOMETHING!" so i decided to just print a bunch of resumes and cover letters and shower them across chattanooga - job openings or not. i was aching to find a new job. it was a real, solid desire. i was going to go during my lunch breaks, and my first one i was aiming for four schools. i only wound up leaving my resume at one school - the one where i'm now working - and the next day i woke up with a peace - a true peace - about staying put. we had a new house, chris had a new job, we didn't need another change in our lives. "what about the one resume you left?" ah well. it'll just die on the vine. no big deal.
well, early or mid july rolled around, and the thought just started floating around in my head "wouldn't it be funny if that school called me? hmm..." i didn't have a strong desire to leave by then. it was just a floating thought.
it's late and i need to sleep, so to sum up, it was "catastrophic timing" (in the words of my former boss...thanks man) for me to quit at mccallie, but i had to. i absolutely had to. not only is it the EXACT job i've wanted for 7 years, but she told me that they want me to get my masters in education AND they'll pay for it. WAH??? *whew* dude. wow. WHOA.
classes started this past monday, and i am LOVING it. truly. tomorrow begins the real rotation where i'm teaching K4s and K5s enrichment and PE...HAHAA!! i'm a PE teacher.
i can't believe we're both teachers. what a funny God we serve!! we're probably gonna need another computer.